
I hope someday

Já pensou que enrascada estariam esses “senhores da guerra” se, assim, por um “acaso” do “destino”, John Lennon, Martin Luther King Jr e Mahatma…

Bush just don’t get it

“Bush is like someone’s old dad who just doesn’t get it, a person who’s not able to grow or change. Among musicians, no one…

Papo cabeça

Como vai você hoje em dia Espero que esteja tudo bem Eu ando tentando ver o lado zen O que é que nos ensinam…

Roer a corda pra viver.

Matar a burrice com bossa. Botar a sede pra secar. Sentir a fruta se abrindo. Arder nas nuvens. Sonhar. Olhar o pássaro cair. Seguir…

One, U2

Sisters / Brothers / One life But we’re not the same / We get to Carry each other, Carry each other One

Mozart composing Mozart

“When I am, as it were, completely myself, entirely alone, and of good cheer – say, travelling in a carriage, or walking after a…

What Your Soul Sings

“Your mind can never change Unless you ask it to Lovingly rearrange The thoughts that make you blue The things that bring you down…