A ignorância das mortes, por Swami Sivananda

Do livro “May I Answer That“, por um dos maiores yogues da Índia, Swami Sivananda. (entre parênteses e itálico coloco a tradução aproximada de alguns termos não muito comuns no Ocidente).

QUESTION #34: Why does man not remember death and cease forthwith from sinful deeds keeping the transience of earthly life in view?
SWAMI SIVANANDA: Every man has not sprung up all on a sudden as a man. The Jiva (alma), right from the very first ushering into the world, continues to undergo the cycle of births and deaths not in tens, hundreds or thousands, but in lakhs (período de 100 mil anos). It actually carries with it the Samskaras (tendências e impressões das experiências vividas) right from its very first birth up to the birth current, i.e., under enjoyment. The unenjoyed or residual Samskaras continue till they are completely fried in toto by Atma Jnana (auto-conhecimento da alma). The very forgetfulness of death by man, though he sees countless deaths daily, indicates the nescience that has developed in him to avoid seeing the face of Truth. The experiences that he has gained thus far, i.e., up to the moment of consideration, are quite insufficient to drag his attention towards the eternal truth which is God. A day will certainly dawn in the life of every individual on this earth, not necessarily in this very birth itself, when he will, by some rare merit, through Satsang (estudos) with Mahatmas (grandes almas/gurus), devotion to Guru, or God’s grace, tune in to the Ultimate by gradual evolution.
The sinful deeds which men commit are mainly due to ignorance. When ignorance vanishes once and for all by performance of good and selfless deeds, Japa (meditação), Svadhyaya (auto-estudo), etc., or by Guru Kripa (graça do mestre), the final goal ever remains in view. Commission of vicious deeds indicates that the Jiva is not yet an evolved one and that he is to gain more and more experiences of the world and undergo repeated and continual refinement from grossness. For the disappearance of ignorance and firm remembrance of God, there is no way more powerful than to encounter the kicks, blows and knocks of the world that may greet one unawares.

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