Tao Te King (o livro chinês do “dharma”) v22

Yield and overcome; bend and be straight.
Empty out and be full; wear out and be renewed.
Have little and gain; have much and be confused.

Therefore, the True Person embraces the One
and becomes a model for all.

Do not look only at yourself, and you will see much.
Do not justify yourself, and you will be distinguished.
Do not brag, and you will have merit.
Do not be prideful, and your work will endure.

It is because you do not strive
that no one under heaven can strive with you.

The saying of the Old Ones,
“Yield and Overcome,” is not an empty phrase.
True wholeness is achieved by blending with life.

~ Tao Te King, de Lao Tzu, v.22
(homenagem ao maior mestre do país das Olimpíadas)

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