Sergey Brin e Steve Horowitz apresentam o Android

“Just like I learned how to write great services and software on the web upon free tools, like Linux and GNU, now with Android you will be able to to the exact same things on mobile phones”. (Sergey Brin)

Com vocês, Sergey Brin (Google President, Technology), Steve Horowitz (Google Engineering Director) e o Android, o sistema que é o verdadeiro “gPhone” – “it’s a new open source operating system and software plataform for mobile phones”. By GOOG. (not AAPL)

May the Force be with you (us).

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  1. says: nando

    Jobs quer falar tudo sozinho. Criar tudo dentro do ApplePlex e sair triunfante de lá numa MacWorld qualquer. 8) A já que tu falou, repare na COR das camisas do Sergey (nesse vídeo) e do Jobs (em todos as apple conferences). A Apple também vai lançar um OS mobile especial pra competir com o Google: o AppleVader. ;)


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