Cory Doctorow: “We live in a century in which copying is only going to get easier”

A frase está na entrevista de Cory Doctorow a Jason Kottke. Cory Doctorow é escritor, um dos editores do BoingBoing e autor de uma das minhas máximas preferidas – “Copying is what bits are for“. Na entrevista, ele fala de diversas coisas muito interessantes, inclusive, de novo, e muito bem, de copyright. Mais um trecho:

“It’s the 21st century, there’s not going to be a year in which it’s harder to copy than this year; there’s not going to be a day in which it’s harder to copy than this day; from now on. Right? If copying gets harder, it’s because of a nuclear holocaust. There’s nothing else that’s going to make copying harder from now on. And so, if your business model and your aesthetic effect in your literature and your work is intended not to be copied, you’re fundamentally not making art for the 21st century. It might be quaint, it might be interesting, but it’s not particularly contemporary to produce art that demands these constraints from a bygone era”. (…)

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  1. says: Lulu

    Bacana, justo agora que eu tou lendo o livro do Andrew Keen… Aliás, ultimamente tenho achado mais produtivo e divertido ler opiniões radicalmente contrárias à minha, vai entender.

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