“Neutrality of the Net
This is an international issue. In some countries it is addressed better than others. (In France, for example, I understand that the layers are separated, and my colleague in Paris attributes getting 24Mb/s net, a phone with free international dialing and digital TV for 30euros/month to the resulting competition.) In the US, there have been threats to the concept, and a wide discussion about what to do. That is why, though I have written and spoken on this many times, I blog about it now.”
~ Tim Berners-Lee, no blog dele
A neutralidade da rede (Tim Berners-Lee)
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Apocalipse não-literal em “2012, Time for Change”: filme pró-mudança de consciência e atitude (TRAILER)
Parece que (finalmente) alguém fez um filme que representa 2012 como fase...
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