A vida como ela é (©opyright)

Tenho que publicar isso aqui em homenagem ao Lessig (logo abaixo). Mas também pq aconteceu com o Seth Godin. Nossa sociedade está ou não está aloprada?

I got busted at the Stop and Shop this morning. It turns out that there are now even more than 19 flavors of Oreos. So I needed a photo of the new flavor for my presentation. The manager saw the flash and ran over. He made it clear that I needed permission from corporate headquarters to take pictures, and followed me around the store to make sure I didn’t take any more illicit photos. (…)
~ Seth Godin, no post “The Paradox of Pictures”, no blog dele

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For Justice, Martin Luther King Jr.
“As you press on for justice, be sure to move with dignity...
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