Truth, peace and freedom

But what makes these ‘experts’ preach their own opinion and call it truth?” asked the inquirer. “Is it an inheritance of humankind to do this, or is it merely something they gain satisfaction from?
“Apart from consciousness,” answered the Buddha, “no absolute truths exist. False reasoning declares one view to be true and another view wrong. It is delight in their dearly held opinions that makes them assert that anyone who disagrees is bound to come to a bad end. But no true seeker becomes embroiled in all this. Pass by peacefully and go a stainless way, free from theories, lusts, and dogmas.”
~ Majjhima Nikaya

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One reply on “Truth, peace and freedom”
  1. says: Nessa

    oi….!!! :) muito bom!

    estou passando pelo Paralelos e gostando muito. trabalho de primeira! parabéns a todos! ficou muito legal, Nando! :-)

    e que fotona, Nando!

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