“my thoughts on file-sharing?
well, as i’ve said before i’m happy and flattered if anyone makes the effort to listen to my music, regardless of the medium by which it’s delivered.
i’m glad that the apple i-store exists, because that seems like a potentially healthy way of dealing with this situation, by offering downloads for a fairly reasonable price.
and in general i do not support the efforts of the riaa regarding file-sharing.
i didn’t support them when they cracked down on internet radio (which really wasn’t even their stated domain). and i don’t support them now that they’re cracking down on people who’ve engaged in file-sharing.
i know for a fact that a lot of people first heard my music by downloading it from napster or kazaa. and for this reason i’ll always be glad that napster and kazaa have existed. (…)
and i hope for happy endings for all involved: record companies, musicians, music lovers, record stores, file-sharing sites, etc. everyone just needs to bend a little bit and the situation will be remedied (i.e-supporting your local record store, supporting things like apple’s i-store, charging less for cd’s, recognizing that file-sharing has served a great promotional value for record companies, musicians not expecting to get rich from selling music, etc). (…)
~ Moby, o artista de “música eletrônica” que mais vendeu em todo o mundo, de Londres para o seu blog
Moby on file-sharing
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6 replies on “Moby on file-sharing”
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Curti seu blog e parece que vou passar por aqui algumas das minhas horas online.
Ah! Quanto aos downloads: seja mais tolerante brotherzinho!
oi Santo Mário-
obrigado pela visita.
tolerância é prato principal nesta casa, Mário, por isso não entendi seu pedido. o q foi q eu falei? as aspas são pro moby, eu concordo majoritariamente com ele, e não há nada de repressor na opinião dele.
anyway, seja bem-vindo, habemos tolerância. ;)
Eu acho que a vários artistas deveriam agradecer por existir programas como Kazaa e afins…
o grande & jovem tio aaron tem uma boa dica, reproduzo-a aqui:
‘Privacy, Accuracy, Security: Pick Two
The Problems with Compulsory Licensing
Millions of people want to download music for, essentially, free. The record companies don’t want them to do this, and claim that they’re losing money and threaten to sue you into oblivion. How do we reconcile these two? One proposal is compulsory licensing.
The basic idea is that a large portion of the population pays a relatively small tax to the government who then gives it to the artists whose work is downloaded. Terry Fisher says that with a small tax on CD burners, DVD burners, DSL, and cable modems (costing the average family ~$50, less than they spend on DVDs and CDs) could pay for all the music and movies plus a 20% bureaucratic overhead.
Assuming this could be made to work, people could be convinced to accept it, and Congress could pass it, there are still three problems which can’t all be solved.’
More… http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/
Boa sugestão, Guaco. Pode ser a melhor solução a curto prazo, pra já. Foi o que o Moby disse: estamos quentes, estamos próximos de algo bom pra todo mundo, ou menos mal. É por aí.
Obrigado pela valiosa contribuição.
que isso. menos valiosa que seus posts quase diários de pequenas dicas de como não dar a bundinha do espírito pro sistemão bicho papão. Nóis que agradece. volte sempre. kuak. :)
que seja bom para os músicos e aqueles que curtem música, prioritariamente. e não para as grandes gravadoras ganharem mais e mais dinheiro…
e vida longa ao Kazaa.