Watch others won’t help u

“It is not proper to watch other people. This will not help your practice. If you are annoyed, watch the annoyance in your own mind. If others’ discipline is bad or they are not good monks, this is not for you to judge. You will not discover widsom watching others. Monks’ discipline is a tool to use for your own meditation. It is not a weapon to use to criticize or find fault. No one can do your practice for you, nor can you do practice for anyone else. Just be mindful of your own doings. This is the way to practice.”
~ Ajahn Chah, “Bodhinyana”

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2 replies on “Watch others won’t help u”
  1. says: mario av

    Genial, nando.
    Minha própria vida melhorou uns 200% quando percebi com total clareza (apesar de uma ou outra recaída depois…) que as coisas que mais me incomodam nos outros são unicamente um reflexo das coisas que mais me incomodam em mim mesmo.
    Quem sabe não julga.

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