Man is a transitional being

“Man is a transitional being; he is not final. For in man and high beyond him ascend the radiant degrees that climb to a divine supermanhood. There lies our destiny and the liberating key to our aspiring but troubled and limited mundane existence. The new consciousness attained in the spiritual evolution is always higher in grade and power, always larger, more comprehensive, wider in sight and feeling, richer and finer in faculties, more complex, organic, dominating than the consciousness that was once our own but is now left behind us. There are greater breadth and space, heights before impassable, unexpected depths and intimacies. There is a luminous expansion that is the very sign-manual of the Supreme upon his work. Cease inwardly from thought and word, be motionless within you, look upward into the light and outward into the vast cosmic consciousness that is around you. Be more and more one with the brightness and the vastness. Then will Truth dawn on you from above and flow in from all around you.”
~ Sri Aurobindo, “Man a Transitional Being” [*]

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3 replies on “Man is a transitional being”
  1. says: nando

    eu tinha visto a Estação das Ilhas, mas não este curso, obrigado pelo link, Nessa! 250 é a little too expensive pra mim agora, talvez em julho. Mas é uma ótima oportunidade pra começar.

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